Sunday, 19 June 2011

FMSL Centenary 5th June 2011

On 5th June 2011, the FMSL celebrated 100 years since we were established as an independant diocesan Congregation in 1911. To mark the occasion, we had Mass in St. Joseph's Convent chapel. The principal celebrant was Bishop Kieran Conry of Arundel and Brighton Diocese. Mass was followed by celebratory lunch and talks regarding our history.
A group of students travelled from Canterbury to participate in a Nigerian song and dance for the Offertory Procession.
William Anderson came with the Sisters from Canterbury. He very much enjoyed the day and meeting again all the Sisters whom he knew when they were based in Canterbury.
Sr. Clare sang the Psalm.

In his homily, Bishop Kieran Conry spoke about the witness value of religious life for today. He picked out the key dimensions of prayer, community and service from our centenary banners.

Sisters, students and staff from Canterbury led the Offertory Procession with a Nigerian song and dance, joined also by Angie from the SFO Littlehampton. Attracta played the drum.

After Mass, Sr. Anastasia, Mother General, thanked everyone who had helped prepare for the day and joined the celebration.

The photo of Mother Mary Patrick Brennan, our foundress was arranged on the sanctuary.

This tree, illustrating the growth of our Congregation over 100 years, was made by Attracta and Sr. Innocentia. It has our Foundress, Mother M. Patrick at the roots and also William with Maximus on the Canterbury branch! There were many other displays of photos illustrating our history.
Celebratory cakes were made for the occasion

New portable centenary banners, which Sisters in initial formation helped to design and prepare, were produced for us by Tony and Kevin of the Homelink charity.
Kevin gave a talk after the lunch about how he had put the final design together. Several people who, as children, had been cared for and educated by our Sisters returned to celebrate the day with us.