On 8th September, Sr. Rose of Lima renewed her vows in St. Joseph's Convent in the presence of Sr. Anne, Mother General and a large gathering of Sisters and other witnesses. After lunch, Srs. Rose and Clare Bernadette took a walk on the sea front.
Later, during Evening Prayer, Attracta was received into Novitiate by Sister Anne, Mother General.

Mother General, having accepted Attracta's wish to enter Novitiate, asked Sr. Clare Bernadette, Novice Formator, to present her with the Bible and San Damiano Crucifix. Mother General then presented Attracta with the FMSL Rule and Constitutions. Finally, she was given the simple white veil of a Novice Sister.

After the Prayer, many FMSL and other witnesses were waiting to congratulate Sister Attracta. That evening, she returned with the Sisters from Canterbury to the Formation Community there, where she will be based for the next 2 years joining her fellow novice Sister Innocentia.
After the Prayer, many FMSL and other witnesses were waiting to congratulate Sister Attracta. That evening, she returned with the Sisters from Canterbury to the Formation Community there, where she will be based for the next 2 years joining her fellow novice Sister Innocentia.
Please remember Srs. Rose and Attracta specially in your prayers as they continue their Franciscan journey in response to God's call.