On 15th April 2015, three FMSL Sisters of our
Mysore community: Sisters Elizabeth Varghese, Martha Murmu and Promodini Ekka,
made their final profession of vows. The
ceremony was held during Mass in Mysore Cathedral, celebrated by Bishop Thomas
Anthony Vazhapilly.
Family members of the three Sisters travelled from Kerala
and from as far as Orissa to celebrate with them.
Entrance Procession

Srs. Martha and Promodini read the Scripture readings
The Psalm was sung by a Capuchin Friar. The friars kindly led the music and arranged other parts of the liturgy. Rev. Desmond Rebello OFM Cap, Vicar for Religious read from the Gospel.
Bishop Thomas Anthony gave a homily about the role of consecrated life in the Church.
Sr. Clare Bernadette FMSL called the three Sisters to come forward.
The Bishop examined the Sisters about their intention to commit their lives to God.
Everyone prayed for the Sisters in union with the saints as we sang the Litany.

The three Sisters professed their vows
The Formula of Final Profession
“I, Sister N.N., vow to Almighty God in the presence of Our Blessed Lady, our Holy Father St. Francis and the whole heavenly court, and in your hands, Sister N.N., Mother General, (or delegate of Mother General) to live for the rest of my life in poverty, chastity and obedience according to the Rule of the Third Order of our Seraphic Father St. Francis, approved by Pope John Paul II and according to the Constitutions of the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Littlehampton.”
Signing the register followed.

Next, the rings, the symbols of their perpetual commitment to God in love were blessed by the Bishop and presented to the Sisters.

The Sisters and others brought the gifts for Mass to the altar.
At the end of Mass, Sr. Elizabeth gave the vote of thanks.
A celebration with lunch followed in the Parish Hall.
Then, a photo with family outside at the shrine.
We thank God for the vocations of Sisters Elizabeth, Martha and Promodini and their wholehearted response to God's call in a lifelong commitment.
Please remember them, and our India mission, in your prayers.