Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Willie's 75th Birthday Celebrations

Above: Willie with his wee friend Maximus

December 7th was Willie's 75th birthday. Willie who lives in the caravan on our grounds has been with us for nearly 40 years and it is a miracle that he is still alive given his earlier lifestyle. Anyway we had Mass for him up at the Study Centre and then a celebration meal for him with all the students, staff, all of us here at the convent, - and the Parish Priest who has known Willie all the time he has been with us. Philippe who is the Principal of the Study Centre was the Presider at Mass and he has known Willie for some years.

Left: Willie at lunch with Parish Priest Canon Bunce and FISC Principal, Br. Philippe

Right: Winnie reads Psalm

Below left: 
Br. Ninian reads the Gospel

It was a great celebration. Some of the students did a liturgical dance for the presentation of the gifts during the Mass with African music and drums. They had some form of African garment on for the occasion even the blokes! After the homily Philippe made reference to the story of when Archbishop Carey was being installed/inaugurated as Archbishop of Canterbury. On that great day there was a mammoth procession for the Cathedral after the ceremony with all the dignatories and VIP's etc - and at the end came the new Archbishop in all his glory: grand vestments, mitre etc etc etc. Up pops Willie from the crowd and goes right up to the Archbishop, tugs at his sleeve and boldly asks: “When are you going to give us our Cathedral back?!”
Funny story yet true. Philippe continued to explain how Willie has been a part of the life of the Centre since its beginnings. The Mass was beautiful.

Since mince is Willie's favourite food, we had shepherd's pie as the main part of the meal. A friend and neighbour had made him a cake and iced it with green and white icing as he is a Celtic supporter.

He proudly blew out his candles and enjoyed every moment of the day.

Above Centre: Willie with his old friend Br. Brendan

Above left: Willie with Sr. Clare and with Sr. Elizabeth before Mass

Below: Willie Enjoying his cake, cards and gifts at Monte Bre

Below Left: Max ran off with one gift to open himself!

It certainly was a huge landmark in Willie's life and it was an appropriate day to remember the earlier sisters who cared for him:
Sr Agnes, Mother Angela, Sr Immaculata and Sr Paschal. They are now enjoying their eternal reward and smiling down on him. A great day was had by all.

by Sr. Elizabeth

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