Sunday, 9 October 2011

Making a Big Hash of It

Sister Attracta, now one month in Novitiate, has begun to join Sisters Innocentia and Clare in voluntary kitchen work at the Catching Lives Centre for homeless people in Canterbury. On Friday 7th October they were working with volunteers David, Roz, Rebecca, Lawrence and Terry (staff). What can you make for lunch with vast quantities of donated apples, lots of potatoes and not much else? The answer was apple crumble and corned beef hash. After Innocentia made the crumble, more of the apples were peeled and stewed, to be frozen and used later. Here's how they went about making corned beef hash for around 20 people:

Wash, peel and boil around 30 potatoes together with 2 giant (or four average) chopped onions
Empty out 9 tins of corned beef (carefully) and divide into two large, deep trays. Chop up into small chunks.
Add to these trays:
The cooked potatoes and onion
a whole white cabbage chopped (cooked from frozen)
a large tub of blanched garden peas (from freezer)
several cans of mixed veg and carrots
sprinkle with salt and pepper
a generous splurge of a variety of bottled sauces: eg. ketchup, brown sauce, horseradish
Mix together.
The hash can now be warmed in the oven and served. It has a reputation for tasting much better than it looks.
From left: Sr. Attracta, Lawrence, Rebecca and Sr. Innocentia, peeling apples. Front: two trays of magnificent hash.
For more information about the Catching Lives charity, visit

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