Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Reception of a new novice

What is a novice?

The period of novitiate is currently based in Canterbury and lasts for two years, after which, a novice  Sister may request to make her first profession of religious vows.

The purpose of the Novitiate is to:
A Initiate the candidates into Religious Life, preparing them for that total and perpetual consecration to God which this life demands.
B Concentrate on the development of the spiritual life and a close following of Christ.
C Enable the novices to deepen their personal prayer life, striving to achieve the desired integration of prayer and activity to which the formation programme is directed.
D Inbue them with the spirit of the Congregation by the study and living of the Rule and Constitutions after the example of St. Francis who said to his followers: “This Rule is the Book of Life, the hope of our salvation, the sign of the Gospel, the way of perfection, the key to heaven, the alliance to eternal union.” (2 Celano ch 158, para 208)
E Enable them to consider more carefully their religious vocation and to assess their commitment to our Franciscan way of life. (Canon 646)

 (from  FMSL Constitutions, norms 96-103)

Reception of Sr. Esther

On 2nd August, Sr. Esther was received as a novice in St. Joseph's Convent, Littlehampton.  The simple service of reception during Evening Prayer was moving and joyful.

Sr. Anne McLaughlin, Mother General gave a short reflection on the Feast of the Portiuncula.  As this little chapel was the starting point for the Franciscan Order, Esther was invited to reflect on the beginnings of her own Franciscan journey.
Sister Anastasia, who had accompanied Esther through postulancy, presented her with the San Damiano Crucifix worn by novices.
Mother General gave Esther a copy of the FMSL Rule and Constitutions, which she will study during her novitiate.

Esther received the white veil of a novice from Sr. Clare Bernadette, who will be responsible for her novitiate training.
Congratulations were then in order!

Sr. Esther will be based in Canterbury for the next two years, where she will join second-year novice, Sr. Helina.  We thank the Lord for blessing us with new vocations and ask you to join us in remembering both Sisters in your prayers.

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